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What Are Common Prosthodontic Procedures


There are different types of prosthodontic procedures applied for different conditions. You may want to discuss with your doctor which is their most suitable procedure for your problem.  Most dentists will be able to advise you accordingly.


Dental implants can help you in case of missing teeth. The dental implants are designed using the medical grade titanium and placed in the jawbone. It resembles the root of the natural tooth and provides solid support for a single tooth, full denture and dental bridge. They are made to ensure that is identical to natural teeth in look, feel and function.  There are various benefits that you get from dental implants.


 Also present available include the dental crowns and bridges. Dental crowns are designed to add strength to a single tooth that has been damaged by a fracture or extensive tooth decay. You can replace one or more missing teeth  using dental bridge which is a restorative treatment. It is placed and held by the crown secured to the natural tooth on either side. It helps to avoid the teeth from moving out of alignment and preserve your natural smile.


 The keith baetz dental fabrication is another type of prosthodontic treatment that is a fine art process. This the process aims to have the new teeth resemble the natural teeth in look and feel as much as possible.  They enhance self confidence and comfort because they remained fitted to place.  They are a choice for missing teeth. They are designed using teeth colored materials on a high-quality acrylic fused with base of metal shaped to match the counters of your gum line.


Another common prosthodontist sydney procedure is the application of dentures. They are made of a gum-colored acrylic fused on a metal base to replace a tooth. They have fasteners that hold the dentures and ensure that they do not moving around the mouth. If you want to replace all natural teeth in the lower jaw or upper jaw.  In some cases, crown placement can be recommended if it is evident that you teeth require strengthening.


 Prosthodontic process can also help in case of temporomandibular disorders. The TMD is one of the complex and a highly used joint. A range of problems will occur when the jaw is out of alignment. These include joint pains, headaches, earaches, and neck and shoulder pains.  More time will be required for healing since the problem develops over time. After receiving the treatment, you will have a healthier and comfortable jaw.


Cosmetic dentistry, a wide field aims at enhancing the smile and ensure that joints, teeth and muscle function harmoniously.  The cosmetic dentistry is aimed at correcting teeth misalignment, replace missing teeth and replace any missing teeth.

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